Aug 3, 2023 | Donating, Volunteering
Ever thought about volunteering in Wayne County? Union County? There are a million reasons why lending a hand to any of your local nonprofits can boost the community you love and live in. Volunteerism benefits several aspects of a community and there are tons of...
Feb 10, 2023 | Featured, Miscl, Volunteering
Considering joining a local board? Great! We encourage you to join the United Way of Whitewater Valley board of directors. Joining our board is a wonderful way to make a difference in Wayne and Union Counties. United Way of Whitewater Valley is committed...
Dec 5, 2022 | Miscl, Volunteering
Looking for ways to help your community without breaking the bank? There are plenty of options to make an impact without financial donations. We understand not everyone has the money to donate but don’t let money stop you from making a difference in Wayne and Union...
Nov 3, 2021 | Donating, Impact Areas, Volunteering
The holidays always bring a different set of feelings for everyone. One thing that we can all agree on is we look forward to the food. There is nothing better than the delicious treats we can share with our friends and families on Thanksgiving or Christmas. The sad...
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