United Way of Whitewater Valley is here to help you!
Are you looking for financial help or social services?

For immediate help 24 hours a day 7 days a week call 2-1-1
211 is helping Hoosiers live better. You can contact them by calling 211 or dialing (866)- 211-9966 or going to their website.
This is a free and confidential service to find free health, human and social services. They will connect you with social service agencies that will help you.
By calling 211 you will find information about:
- shelter and housing options and utility assistance
- health care, vaccination, and health epidemic information
- addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs
- resource information for mental health
- and more!
Local Resources: Connecting With Our Partner Programs
United Way works with our agency partners to support families across Wayne and Union County. Below is a list of all our agency partners who are here to help you and your loved ones.
For more information, please view our frequently asked questions below.
How do I know my donation will go where I want it?
How do I get involved?
Donations to your community aren’t just monetary. Volunteering your time also helps out. Check with local agencies to volunteer and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on any volunteer opportunities we may have.
My agency needs help, what can United Way do?
We run a grant for agencies every year starting in mid-November. The applications are taken until mid-December and funds are distributed from April the next year to March the following year. Please click here for more information.
What does United Way do?
We work with non-profits that support the needs of our community across four areas: childhood success, economic mobility, health access, and youth success.